AT INFORMATION SESSION for Adult Services for Service Users, Staff, Families/PA’s

Date: Wednesday 15th May 2013

Time10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

LocationLimerick Adult Services, Enable Ireland, Quin’s Cross, Mungret, Limerick. 

Time Description
10.30 a.m. General Introduction Overview(15 mins)
10.45 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Break Out Sessions focusing on:- 

–         Communication Devices

–         Using Computers/Mobile devices/Phones

–         Environmental Control Devices/Smart Home Technologies


Each session will last approximately 30 minutes with time for questions included. Attendees can rotate between all three workshops or attend only those they are interested in.

For further information, please contact Dolores Ryan ( or Barbara Curley (